Why Snowden doesn’t deserve a pardon

John Yoo interviewed by WSJ Video, Sept. 16, 2016

“If you actually look at what he leaked, he provided our rivals around the world, and our terrorist enemies, with a laundry list of all the different innovations and techniques that our NSA and our intelligence services were using to collect information on their efforts against … foreign terrorist plots. I couldn’t actually think of something more damaging.”

On the death penalty, California voters face two stark choices

Elisabeth Semel quoted by San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 14, 2016

“It’s modeled after the laws in Texas, where we know innocent people have been executed,” said Elisabeth Semel, director of the Death Penalty Clinic at UC Berkeley Law School. Death penalty supporters heatedly dispute that claim, but Semel cited the Texas case of Cameron Todd Willingham, executed in 2004 for killing his three children in a fire that a series of experts, including one hired by the state, have since concluded was most likely accidental.

Positive economic report may not translate into ballot box impact

john a. powell quoted by San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 13, 2016

“Trump feeds off of people feeling bad, feeling angry. Then he says, ‘I can save you,’” Powell said. “Much of their effort — by Republicans and Trump — is that they need to say that things are bad. Their campaign is one of deep anxiety and polarization, that the country is going to hell in a handbasket.”

State’s new climate law could resonate across nation — if Clinton wins

Dan Farber and Ethan Elkind quoted by E&E News, Sept. 12, 2016

“California’s take on climate change is directly at odds with [Republican nominee Donald] Trump’s view that it’s a hoax, so if he becomes president, California will be on its own,” said Dan Farber. … “However, it would provide support for [Democratic nominee Hillary] Clinton’s approach and for the Clean Power Plan.”

“I think it bolsters the Clean Power Plan by showing that one of our biggest states, economy wise, is set to achieve even more aggressive targets than what’s called for in the federal plan,” said Ethan Elkind,

California passes nation’s most ambitious climate legislation, but will it succeed?

Ethan Elkind interviewed by The Real News Network, Sept. 11, 2016

S.B. 32 is a groundbreaking law on climate change in greenhouse gas reduction. But A.B. 197 is really groundbreaking in a different way. For the first time now, we’re really trying to address this sort of environmental injustice that you’re referring to, which is the idea that we have a lot of low-income communities of color who disproportionately get the negative effects of pollution and also are the ones most at risk as climate change worsens.