Alessandro Acquisti,
Carnegie Mellon University
Joseph Alhadeff,
Anita Allen,
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Raphael Cohen-Almagor,
University of Hull
Meg Ambrose,
University of Colorado
Ken Anderson,
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
Annie Anton,
North Carolina State University
Dorothy Attwood,
Samantha Barbas,
Stanford University
Martha Barnett,
Holland & Knight LLP
Ann Bartow,
University of South Carolina School of Law
Carol Bast,
University of Central Florida
Steven Bellovin,
Columbia University
Chantal Bernier,
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Francesca Bignami,
George Washington University Law School
Ellen Blackler,
Jody Blanke,
Mercer University
Marc Blitz,
Oklahoma City University School of Law
Matthew Bodie,
Saint Louis University School of Law
Caspar Bowden,
danah boyd,
Microsoft Research
Bruce Boyden,
Marquette University Law School
Julie Brill,
Cheryl Brown,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Cynthia Brown,
University of Central Florida
Herbert Burkert,
Research Centre for Information Law, University of St.Gallen
Aaron Burstein,
UC Berkeley School of Information
Ryan Calo,
Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society
Tim Casey,
Case Western Reserve
Fred Cate,
University of Indiana
Nancy Chang,
Open Society Institute
Wade Chumney,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Corey Ciocchetti,
University of Denver
Danielle Citron,
University of Maryland School of Law
Bret Cohen,
Hogan Lovells LLP
Alissa Cooper,
Center for Democracy & Technology / Oxford Internet Institute
Lorrie Cranor,
Carnegie Mellon University
Mary Culnan,
Bentley University
H. Bryan Cunningham,
Morgan & Cunningham llC
Doug Curling,
New Kent Capital
Jamela Debelak,
Fordham Law School
Deven Desai,
Princeton University, Center for Information Technology Policy
Lisena DeSantis,
Open Society Institute
Will DeVries,
Carol DiBattiste,
Laura Donohue,
Georgetown Law School
Cynthia Dwork,
Microsoft Research
Catherine Dwyer,
Pace University
Mark Eckenwiler,
U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division
Mark Eichorn,
Mary Fan,
American University Washington College of Law & University of Washington School of Law
Asim Fareeduddin,
LexisNexis Group
Henry Farrell,
George Washington University
Edward Felten,
Princeton University
Darleen Fisher,
National Science Foundation
Tanya Forsheit,
InfoLawGroup LLP
Susan Freiwald,
University of San Francisco School of Law
Louisa Garib,
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Loretta Garrison,
Federal Trade Commission
Robert Gellman,
Privacy and Information Policy Consultant
Lauren Gelman,
BlurryEdge Strategies
Nathaniel Good,
Good Research
Marc Groman,
Counsel, House Energy and Commerce Committee
James Grimmelmann,
New York Law School
Jens Grossklags,
Princeton University
Joseph Hall,
UC Berkeley/Princeton
Woodrow Hartzog,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Allyson Haynes,
Charleston School of Law
Stephen Henderson,
Widener University School of Law
Steven Hetcher,
Vanderbilt University Law School
Kashmir Hill,
True/Slant and Above the Law
Mike Hintze,
Lance Hoffman,
George Washington University
Marcia Hofmann,
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Chris Hoofnagle,
UC Berkeley Law
Jane Horvath,
Kirsty Hughes,
University of Cambridge
Rebecca Hulse,
William & Mary Law
Anniina Huttunen,
Institute of International Economic Law (KATTI), University of Helsinki
Stuart Ingis,
Venable LLP
Edward Janger,
Brooklyn Law School
Jeff Jonas,
Barbara Jones,
American Library Association
Orin Kerr,
George Washington University Law School
Jennifer King,
UC Berkeley School of Information
Anne Klinefelter,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jacqueline Klosek,
Goodwin Procter LLP
Colin Koopman,
University of Oregon
Rick Kunkel,
University of St. Thomas
Maryanne Lavan,
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Naomi Lefkovitz,
Federal Trade Commission
Toby Levin,
formerly with the DHS and FTC
Avner Levin,
Ryerson University
Ariana Levinson,
University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law
Jacqueline Lipton,
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Jennifer Lynch,
UC Berkeley School of Law
Mark MacCarthy,
Georgetown University
Peder Magee,
Carter Manny,
University of Southern Maine
Aaron Massey,
North Carolina State University
Kristen Mathews,
Proskauer LLP
Andrea Matwyshyn,
University of Pennsylvania
Aleecia McDonald,
Carnegie Mellon
William McGeveran,
University of Minnesota Law School
Anne McKenna,
ToomeyMcKenna Law Group LLC / Catholic University of America
Ryan Means,
UC Berkeley
David Medine,
James Milles,
University at Buffalo Law School
Jon Mills,
University of Florida, Levin College of Law
Mary Minow,
Pablo Molina,
Georgetown University
Deirdre K. Mulligan,
UC Berkeley School of Information and Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
Lisa Nelson,
University of Pittsburgh
Abraham Newman,
Georgetown University
Helen Nissenbaum,
New York University
Greg Nojeim,
Center for Democracy & Technology
Paul Ohm,
University of Colorado Law School
Frank Pasquale,
Seton Hall Law School
Stephanie Pell,
Counsel, House Judiciary Committee
Christina Peters,
Senior Counsel, Security and Privacy, IBM
Karl-Nikolaus Peifer,
University of Cologne/Germany (Koeln)
Scott Peppet,
University of Colorado Law School
Gavin Phillipson,
University of Durham
Vincent Polley,
KnowConnect PLLC
Jules Polonetsky,
Future of Privacy Forum
Lawrence Ponemon,
Ponemon Institute
Marilyn Prosch,
Arizona State University
Katie Ratte,
Federal Trade Commission
Alan Raul,
Sidley Austin LLP
Priscilla Regan,
George Mason University
Joel Reidenberg,
Fordham University School of Law
Virginia Rezmierski,
School of Information and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Jessica Rich,
FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection
Femi Richards,
LexisNexis Group
Neil Richards,
Washington University School of Law
Eileen Ridley,
Foley & Lardner LLP
Sasha Romanosky,
Carnegie Mellon University
Jennifer Rothman,
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Ira Rubinstein,
NYU Law School, Information Law Institute
Albert Scherr,
Franklin Pierce Law Center
Russell Schrader,
CPO and Associate General Counsel, Global Enterprise Risk Visa, Inc
Wendy Seltzer,
University of Colorado School of Law
Katie Shilton,
Thomas Smedinghoff,
Wildman Harrold
Andrew Smith,
Morrison & Foerster, LLP
Christopher Soghoian,
Indiana University
Daniel Solove,
George Washington University Law School
Lisa Sotto,
Hunton & Williams
Tim Sparapani,
Gerard Stegmaier,
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
Tina Stow,
Lior Strahilevitz,
University of Chicago
Katherine Strandburg,
New York University School of Law
Fred Stutzman,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Harry Surden,
University of Colorado Law School
Latanya Sweeney,
Peter Swire,
National Economic Council, the White House
Andrew Taslitz,
Howard University Law School
Brendon Tavelli,
Proskauer Rose LLP
David Thompson,
Tim Tobin,
Hogan & Hartson LLP
Matthew Tokson,
University of Chicago Law School
Frank Torres,
Michael Traynor,
American Law Institute; Cobalt
Joseph Turow,
University of Pennsylvania
Jennifer Urban,
UC Berkeley
Siva Vaidhyanathan,
The University of Virginia
Stefaan Verhulst,
The Markle Foundation
Daniel Weitzner,
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Stephen Wicker,
Cornell University
Lauren Willis,
Loyola Law School Los Angeles
Peter Winn,
U.S. Department of Justice
Jane Winn,
University of Washington School of Law
Christopher Wolf,
Partner, Hogan Lovells LLP
Felix Wu,
Cardozo School of Law
Tal Zarsky,
University of Haifa Faculty of Law
Kial Young,
Attorney Advisor to Commissioner Julie Brill, FTC
Michael Zimmer,
School of Information Studies, UW-Milwaukee
Dissent Doe,