The Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) assembles a wide array of privacy law scholars and practitioners from around the world to discuss current issues and foster greater connections between academia and practice. Here we keep an archive of participants and the abstracts of the papers presented. Please keep in mind that PLSC is a paper workshop–the ideas presented in abstracts and draft papers often change over the course of the workshop. Where possible, we have provided a link to the final paper. We do not post workshop drafts; they are limited to conference participants.
The current PLSC page is here.
Archive by Year
- The 1st Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference, June 12-13, 2008, The George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC (final agenda).
- The 2nd Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference, June 4-5, 2009, Hosted by the Berkeley Law School at the Claremont Resort & Spa, Berkeley, CA (final agenda).
- The 3rd Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference, June 3-4, 2010, Hosted by the George Washington University Law School at the George Washington University Marvin Center Washington, DC (final agenda).
- The 4th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference, June 2-3, 2011, Hosted by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at the Claremont Resort and Hotel, Berkeley, CA (final agenda).
- The 5th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference June 7-8, 2012, Hosted by the George Washington University Law School at the Marvin Center, Washington, DC (final agenda).
- The 6th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference June 6-7, 2013, Hosted by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at the Claremont Resort and Hotel, Berkeley, CA (final agenda).
- The 7th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference June 5-6, 2014, Hosted by the George Washington University Law School at the Marvin Center, Washington, DC (final agenda).
- The 8th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference June 4-5, 2015, Hosted by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at the Claremont Resort and Hotel, Berkeley, CA (final agenda).
Participants — All Years
- Bagby, John
- Bambauer, Derek
- Bambauer, Jane
- Bamberger, Ken
- Bankston, Kevin
- Barbas, Samantha
- Barradale, Nigel
- Bartow, Ann
- Bast, Carol
- Bellovin, Steven
- Bennett, Colin
- Bernal, Paul
- Bernstein, Gaia
- Biava, Ryan
- Bignami, Francesca
- Blanke, Jody
- Blaze, Matt
- Blitz, Marc
- Bodie, Matthew
- Boehm, Franziska
- Borgesius, Frederik
- Bowden, Caspar
- Boyd, Dana
- Boyden, Bruce
- Brandimarte, Laura
- Breaux, Travis
- Brown, Cheryl
- Brown, Cynthia
- Bukert, Herbert
- Burger, Benedikt
- Burstein, Aaron
- Butts, Cassandra
- Calo, Ryan
- Campbell, Lisa
- Casey, Tim
- Cate, Fred
- Chander, Anupam
- Chen, Xiaoxuan
- Choi, Bryan
- Ciocchetti, Corey
- Citron, Danielle
- Clark, Sandy
- Clearwater, Andrew
- Cohen, Julie
- Cohen-Almagor, Raphael
- Cohen-Amalgor, Rafi
- Conley, Amanda
- Cooper, Alissa
- Cranor, Lorrie
- Cranshaw, Justin
- Crawford, Kate
- Crocker, Tommy
- Culnan, Mary
- Cunningham, Bryan
- Curren, Liam
- Gajda, Amy
- Geist, Michael
- Gellman, Robert
- Gelman, Lauren
- Ghosh, Dipayan
- Glancy, Dorothy
- Goldman, Eric
- Goldman, Erica
- Good, Nathan
- Granick, Jennifer
- Gratton, Elboise
- Graves, Jim
- Gray, David
- Green, Rebecca
- Grimmelmann, James
- Groman, Marc
- Groom, Victoria
- Gross, Ralph
- Grossklags, Jens
- Grossman, Alexandra
- Gürses, Seda
- Hall, Joseph
- Hancock, Jeff
- Harbinja, Edina
- Hartzog, Woodrow
- Hastak, Manoj
- Haynes, Allyson
- Helm, Paula
- Henderson, Stephen
- Hetcher, Stephen
- Hintze, Michael
- Hirsch, Dennis
- Hoepman, Jaap-Henk
- Hoffman, David
- Hoffman, Lance
- Hofmann, Marcia
- Hoofnagle, Chris
- Hu, Margaret
- Hughes, Kristy
- Hulse, Rebecca
- Hutchins, Renée
- MacCarthy, Mark
- Madejski, Michelle
- Manny, Carter
- Martin, Kirsten
- Marwick, Alice
- Massey, Aaron
- Mathews, Kristen
- Matwyshyn, Andrea
- Maxwell, Winston
- McDonald, Alicia
- McGeveran, William
- McKenna, Anne
- McNicholas, Edward
- Medine, David
- Melonas, Terence
- Mills, Jon
- Mokrosinska, Dorota
- Monahan, Torin
- Moore, Adam
- Morrison, Caren
- Moy, Laura
- Mulligan, Deirdre
- Mulligan, Scott
- Murphy, Erin
- Métille, Sylvain
- Sales, Nathan
- Sanchez, Julian
- Santoso, Stephanie
- Scherr, Buzz
- Schneider, Harvey
- Schrader, Dawn
- Schultz, Jason
- Schwartz, Paul
- Scott, Kevin
- Selbst, Andrew
- Seltzer, Wendy
- Serwin, Andrew
- Shapiro, Stuart
- Sharma, Diva
- Shilton, Katie
- Shulze, William
- Si, Joseph
- Siavoshy, Babak
- Simitian, Joseph
- Sloan, Robert
- Slobogin, Christopher
- Smedinghoff, Thomas
- Soghoian, Christopher
- Solove, Daniel
- Soltani, Ashkan
- Sorensen, Kelly
- Sovern, Jeff
- Sprague, Robert
- Stegmaier, Gerald
- Stegmaier, Gerry
- Strahilevitz, Lior
- Strandburg, Katherine
- Stuart, Allyson
- Stutzman, Fred
- Stutzman, Frederic
- Sullivan, Clare
- Super, David
- Surden, Harry
- Sweeney, Latanya
- Swire, Peter