JOBS Act Symposium: Lessons Learned from the Facebook IPO?

The panelists mostly agreed that the high-profile Facebook IPO debacle has cooled excitement for IPOs, at least within those private companies considering monetization.

Mr. Zwilling gave a brief summary.  He thinks many entrepreneurs are now saying, “I want nothing to do with this,” referring to the IPO process.  Zwilling noted, for example, Zuckerberg’s widespread criticism following the offering; he said many entrepreneurs are concerned that going public would risk losing control over important cultural aspects of his or her company.

Related to Facebook’s volatile early pricing experience, Professor Dibadj asked why there has not been more pressure (from entrepreneurs) to use a Dutch Auction format for pricing, instead of relying on the “black box” of underwriting?  Zwilling proffered that many entrepreneurs are simply naïve to the pricing system, and they don’t have much insight as to the underwriting process.  The entrepreneurs, by and large, think, “We don’t know how it works and we don’t have any control.”