Oakland school district proposes greater mainstreaming of special education students

Stephen Rosenbaum quoted in Contra Costa Times, September 25, 2015

“From a parent standpoint, I understand … my child will be in a bigger classroom, they’ll drown in there, they won’t get the attention they need, all of those things come up,” Rosenbaum said. “If you don’t give any support to the teacher or a teacher’s aide, then it is a dump and pray situation, close your eyes and hope that this works.”

Pope Francis and the future of the death penalty

Elisabeth Semel interviewed by CNN.com, September 24, 2015

“I do not believe in prognostication,” she said in an interview. But she allowed that, “it is fair to say we may be approaching a crossroads based on signs from multiple sources,” including popular opinion, legislatures, policymakers and declining death sentences and executions.

Pope’s new saint: Hispanic founding father or enabler of Indian deaths?

Tony Platt quoted in The Sacramento Bee, September 22, 2015

“Even by the standards of the day Serra was more of a religious fanatic, and these missions were basically forced labor camps,” said Tony Platt. … “The canonization is an insult to native people and an insult to all of us in California, because Serra stands symbolically for the worst moments in the origins of this state,” he said.

The risk of a billion-dollar valuation in Silicon Valley

Steven Davidoff Solomon writes for The New York Times, September 22, 2015

Higher valuations create higher expectations, and failure to meet them can set off a downward spiral and a forced sale. In that event, the venture capitalists are paid first, leaving “unicorpses” in their wake and the founders with nothing.

Edley: ‘Several missing pieces to the current batch of reforms’

Christopher Edley interviewed by EdSource, Sept. 22, 2015

“I am a huge supporter of Common Core. But I have not seen concerted attention to the schools and teachers serving poor kids to make sure they get the extra resources they need to implement the Common Core as effectively as it will be in affluent districts.”