Aarti Kohli Criticizes Federal Immigration Program

Contra Costa Times, December 3, 2011 by Matt O’Brien

About 11 percent of all Secure Communities deportations are voluntary,
according to UC Berkeley Law School’s Warren Institute. Latino immigrants are the most affected by Secure Communities. Although they make up 77 percent of the nation’s illegal immigrant population, they account for 93 percent of the people arrested through Secure Communities. The institute said its figures, culled from public records requests, were disturbing and raised questions about the fairness of the program.

Robert MacCoun Explains Crackdown on Cannabis Sales

KALW News on SFGate.com, December 1, 2011 by Ben Trefny

“While they don’t think medical marijuana patients should be a high priority for prosecution, trafficking of marijuana or profiteering for medical marijuana is still on the table as a legitimate use of their resources, and they make quite clear that they are going to reserve the right to be tough.”

Eric Stover Identifies War Victims

-PBS Newshour, March 25, 2011 Host Spencer Michaels

There’s torture. There’s abuse of prisoners. There’s disappearance. There’s movement of populations, sexual violence. And this ability, with these new technologies, to gather information, to map it all in, and to understand it in and be able to produce that and take that evidence to international criminal courts, is extremely valuable.

-The New York Times, November 18, 2011 by Rachel Nuwer

The sheer magnitude of genocidal killing in some places–Rwanda or Cambodia, for instance–can make it exceedingly difficult to identify remains. But in Bosnia, Dr. Stover says, “There’s no question that families wanted the remains returned. There’s not closure here,” he said. “But this chapter in a way is closed, and people can better move on with their lives.”

Kirk Boyd Advises Occupy Oakland

The Berkeley Daily Planet, November 30, 2011 by Jeff Shuttleworth

Boyd said the teepee is “symbolic” and the vigil shows that the protesters “will be here for people who worry every night if their kids will be able to go to college or whether they will have health care.”

Stephen Bundy Questions Judge’s Role in Divorce Case of Future Wife

The Sacramento Bee, November 27, 2011 by Denny Walsh and Marjie Lundstrom

“Some of this is obviously wrong,” said Stephen Bundy, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. McCormick’s “out in the world trying to advance her interests and his own. That’s a basic impropriety, which is heightened by the fact he is a judge on the court she is before.”