-Contra Costa Times, July 6, 2010 by Matt Krupnick
Few public agencies have employees who know enough about solar power to make decisions on their own, said Steve Weissman, a UC Berkeley law professor and former administrative-law judge with the California Public Utilities Commission. The determination not to seek bids “requires a greater amount of trust in the officials reaching the decision,” Weissman said. “But going out to bid doesn’t really overcome a lack of in-house expertise.”
-Contra Costa Times, July 13, 2010 by Matt Krupnick
“California law exempts energy projects from bidding requirements, allowing cities, counties and schools to sign multimillion-dollar contracts with companies without shopping for the best price. The California Solar Incentive reforms should prompt more agencies to seek bids, Weissman said. “It’s easy to imagine that there are a number of entities that will be disappointed,” he said. “But it will give them a chance to go back to the bargaining table and get a better deal.”