Christopher Hoofnagle Finds Lenders Ignore Warning Signs of ID Theft

The New York Times, Bits Blog, April 7, 2010 by Brad Stone

Mr. Hoofnagle argues that the perverse incentives of lenders—to sign up as many new customers as possible—are the heart of the problem and must be central to the solution. “Certain institutions have a very high risk tolerances and those risk tolerances are rational,” he said. “Identity theft remains so prevalent because it is less costly to tolerate fraud.”

Jennifer Urban Explains Privacy Risks of Smart Grid Technology

KPCC Southern California Public Radio, April 4, 2010 Host Judy Muller

The thing about smart meter data is that it gives a very intimate picture of life within the home. So you can tell when people within a house get up, you can tell when they’re cooking, when they go to sleep, when they’re home or when they’re away…. It isn’t as though you have the choice to decide to live your life in the open and tell your story to everybody; this information is collected from you automatically as part of your energy service.

Christopher Hoofnagle Notes Disconnect Between Online Marketers and Consumers

San Jose Mercury News, April 2, 2010 by Mike Swift

A national poll last year analyzed by scholars at UC Berkeley’s Center for Law & Technology found that 66 percent of adults do not want tailored advertising online; a higher share was opposed after hearing about tracking techniques. “There is a real disconnect between business practices in this field and consumer expectations,” said Chris Jay Hoofnagle, director of the center’s information privacy program.

David Onek Urges Police to Balance Video Surveillance with Civil Liberties

The New York Times, April 2, 2010 by Richard C. Paddock

“A number of these technologies can be additional useful tools for law enforcement, but none of them is a panacea,” said David Onek, a senior fellow at the Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice and a member of the San Francisco Police Commission. “We need to look at how effective each is and balance that against legitimate civil liberties concerns.”

Richard Frank Questions Peralta Land Deal

Contra Costa Times, April 2, 2010 by Matt Krupnick

The transaction “should sound a note of warning,” said Rick Frank, a former California chief deputy attorney general who teaches land-use law at UC Berkeley and UC Davis. The district’s purchase—after the quitclaim deed was signed—raises questions that need to be answered, he said. “That strikes me as somewhat odd,” he said. “It would pique my curiosity, let’s put it that way.”

Aarti Kohli and Laurel Fletcher Criticize Deportation of Legal Immigrant Parents

-Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2010 by Teresa Watanabe,0,3720769,print.story

“It is a travesty that this is happening without any judicial discretion,” said Aarti Kohli, director of immigration policy for Berkeley Law School’s Warren Institute. “We’re not saying you can’t deport people. We’re saying there should be a fair judicial process that takes into account the impact on their children.”, April 12, 2010 by Claudia Morain

“As Congress considers immigration reform, it’s time to focus on how the current system tears apart families and threatens the health and education of tens of thousands of children,” says Aarti Kohli.

“The rights to health and education are firmly entrenched in international human rights law, and nearly every major human rights treaty recognizes the need for special protection of children,” says Laurel Fletcher…. “The U.S. should consider revising its policy to mirror European human rights standards, which permit judges to balance a nation’s security interest with the best interests of the child when considering deporting a parent.”

Chris Kutz Urges UC to Stop Subsidizing Athletics

San Francisco Chronicle, April 1, 2010 by Nanette Asimov

“This is meant to be a come-to-Jesus moment for athletics, in which (the department) realizes that it needs to make difficult choices to stay within a sustainable level of resources,” said law professor and panelist Christopher Kutz, chairman of UC Berkeley’s Academic Senate of tenured instructors.