Western’s Hesitancy to Disclose Data Breach

Chris Hoofnagle Explains Best Computerworld, August 28, by Jaikumar Vijayan

It’s reasonable for a company whose systems have been breached to make sure it fully understands the extent of what has happened before going public, said Chris Hoofnagle…. “The general rule is that one should not disclose the breach until its scope has been determined,” Hoofnagle said.

Christopher Edley Supports Full Convention Voting Rights for Michigan and Florida

-Associated Press, August 24, by Stephen Ohlemacher

Democrats hope the gesture will strengthen their standing in two important battleground states while ending a contentious chapter of the nominating process. “The only way we will be successful is if we are unified as a party and all Democrats know we are full partners,” said Chris Edley, Jr., a committee member from California who introduced the resolution to restore Florida’s votes.

-The Ledger, August 24, Lloyd Dunkelberger

“The only way we will be successful is if we are unified as a party,” said Chris Edley, a committee member from California and a Berkeley law professor who once taught Obama.

Daniel Farber Says No-Fly Ruling by Ninth Circuit Will Have Wide Impact

KQED, August 20, by Peter Schuller
http://www.kqed.org (news story not online)

UC Berkeley School of Law Professor Dan Farber said the ruling won’t have a direct impact outside the Ninth Circuit, but it might have an indirect influence…. “If there are appellate circuits that haven’t considered this issue, it could be influential partly because of the author of the opinion.”

Jason Schultz Favors Open Wireless Networks

San Francisco Chronicle, August 18, by Matthew B. Stannard

“I think most people would presume that you have permission to access that open network, that’s become the social norm. But it’s a little unclear what the law is,” said Jason Schultz…. “I think for most people, an open network is a nice neighborly thing to do. Everyone gets more access to information.”

Ethan Leib Urges Legal Protection of Friendships

The New York Times Freakonomics blog, August 11, by Ethan Leib

Perversely, if you take care of your friends when they most need you, you may be disqualifying yourself from accepting their largess…. There’s a lot to say about why we don’t want the law getting too involved in our friendships. But this is a simple way to help protect friends and encourage the care they can provide for one another—and more cheaply than Medicare, to boot.