-Ventura County Star, September 20, 2009 by Timm Herdt
While acknowledging that the BNRT “represents an extraordinary change in California’s tax code,” Commissioners John Cogan and Chris Edley summed up the commission’s prevailing view in a Sept. 9 memo: “We believe the BNRT is sufficiently promising to warrant the commission’s recommendation that the Legislature and the governor proceed with a public process to fully evaluate the BNRT (and) to enact a BNRT into law.”
-Los Angeles Times, September 21, 2009 by Peter Schrag
It’s “absolutely” not a tax system he’d design, Edley said, but somehow Sacramento’s inertia had to be broken. Under the commission’s BNRT proposal, all California businesses would pay a tax, probably about 4%, on their net receipts, which would be calculated by subtracting the cost of the goods they’ve purchased from their gross receipts.
-KCRW, Which Way, L.A.?, September 21, 2009 Host Warren Olney
“I think we’ve done a pretty good job of not changing the basic progressive structure of the income tax. And the package as a whole, looking at all the different elements of it, we think is pretty close to neutral in terms of progressivity.”
-Orange County Register, September 29, 2009 by Brian Joseph
“I can’t recall anybody in particular who supported the BNRT at our public hearing,” Edley said. “But I also remember distinctly feeling each person who spoke for opposing it was not fully familiar with what we were working on.”