Richard Frank on Policy Impact of Bay-Delta Court Ruling

San Francisco Daily Journal, June 6, by Laura Ernde [Registration required]

“Business as usual, in terms of water diversion, is basically at an end.… It’s an important policy decision. It speaks some broader truths and I think some of the language that is in there is going to influence policy-making by the other two branches of government.”

Jennifer Lynch and Students Investigate Sallie Mae’s Security Practices

Contra Costa Times, June 6, by Matt Krupnick

Sallie Mae sent borrowers’ passwords by e-mail, a practice few lenders use, said Jennifer Lynch, an attorney who oversaw the student-led project…. “Sallie Mae’s practices just seemed antiquated, to say the least, and very risky,” she said. “They should have known this was a risky practice.”

“They sent this information to their customers … and people have been discussing it on blogs,” [student Kathleen] Lu said.

Richard Frank Comments on Impact of Prop. 99

San Francisco Daily Journal, June 5, by Peter Matuszak [Registration required]

“I think the opponents of Prop. 99 are correct and probably it will not have that much on-the-ground impact.… In recent years since Kelo, we have rarely seen it used in California to condemn owner-occupied, single-family homes. That behavior and government conduct hadn’t occurred more in California, according to most studies.”

Maria Echaveste Discusses Obama’s Historic Campaign

PBS, NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, June 4

“Unfortunately, there continue to be some people who can’t get past looking at someone because of their ethnicity or the color of the skin. But there are many more people—and that’s what’s so wonderful about this country—there’s an optimism and a hope. Remember, elections are about the future. And the American people, through this long, contorted campaign process, have decided that Senator Obama represents the future that they want to believe in.”

Ty Alper Clarifies Lethal Injection Controversy, June 2, by Barbara Kirchheimer

“Nobody disputes that if the three-drug formula works to perfection, inmates should be completely anesthetized and deeply unconscious at the time they’re paralyzed and killed by the potassium chloride,” says Ty Alper…. “But by paralyzing the inmate, it’s hard for anyone except someone who’s highly trained to know about anesthetic depth, to know whether the inmate is truly unconscious or not, so we don’t know how many lethal injection executions have been terribly botched.”