-San Francisco Chronicle, May 20, by Deborah Saunders
Rick Frank told me, “If Proposition 98 passes, it will be the property-rights and eminent-domain lawyers full employment act.”
-Contra Costa Times, May 25, by Richard Frank
“Both propositions are vague as to when state government would be able to condemn property to prevent criminal conduct (e.g., crack houses) or protect public health and safety interests from hazardous waste sites.”
-KTVU Evening News, May 27, by Jim Vargas
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“Proposition 98 goes far beyond what is being advertised as the ‘save my home’ initiative … Water storage projects, water transfer projects, flood control measures and the like would all be threatened and perhaps impossible if Proposition 98 were to be enacted by the voters.”
-San Francisco Daily Journal, May 28, by Richard Frank
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“Californians can expect a great deal of litigation over the initiatives. A successful Proposition 98, in particular, promises to be the subject of numerous lawsuits that will likely be needed to resolve definitively the scope and meaning of that measure. Conversely, if both Propositions 98 and 99 are defeated at the polls, it can be safely predicted that California’s longstanding legal and policy debate over eminent domain, rent control and property rights will continue well past June.”
-ABC7-TV News, May 29, by Dan Ashley
An independent analysis by the University of California Center for Environmental Law and Policy found confusing language in both propositions…. “My sense is that if Proposition 98 is enacted, we will see a great deal of litigation to address a number of the key ambiguities in that measure,” says Richard Frank with the Center for Environmental Law and Policy.